Gimmi Kimmi

Kimmidolls are the most random latest 'fad' in HK, popular amongst high school girls according to my cousin. I’ve seen these around Japan (more often than not, as the shape for a rice cracker snack, you know the long rice cracker as the body then one of those crackers with a nut inside for the head and wrapped in pretty paper.) But who knew they were popular around the world and has special meaning depending on their colours? According to their website, they are a big hit in the UK, France, Japan and Korea and now there are 30 Kimmidolls available in HK. Apparently Kimmidolls are inspired by Kokeshi dolls (so those rice crackers just might actually be Kokeshi dolls, who knows) and each one has a special meaning. If you’re in the market for random gifts, you can get these dolls at MASU gift boutique (Tai Yau Plaza, Wanchai), Seibu (Pacific Place), Sogo (Causeway Bay), Yata, Metrobooks (Elements), and selected outlets of Bookazine and Dymocks.

They range from HK$88 to HK$248.

PS. Upon further reading of a press release, these dolls provide good blessings and hope and are given to friends, family or business partners as a token of goodwill. Quick, go buy one for your boss now and maybe you’ll be the only one in the company to get a raise this year.

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