NYFW Redux: Charlotte Ronson

I must admit, I've never really thought much about Charlotte Ronson. I mean, why would I? She never rode the roller-coaster that is lurve with child star-turned-cliche Lindsay Lohan. I read too much Dlisted. Anyway, now she's got me thinking though. And what I'm thinking is, goddamn, these clothes in her NYFW showing are just... well, I like them. A whole lot. So much that I might sell my child to get them in my closet. But of course, I don't have a child, so this is all just one big scam, where I get all the clothes and you get nothing.

ANYWHOO. I really needs to stop the acid trips. Back to the clothes. It's nothing revolutionary, it's just very simple and wearably desirable, kind of like that hot gardener boy that's all muscles and not much brain but you just have to have him. Yep, I'm deep into Charlotte's web.

High-waisted leather short with sash, hurrah! Crazy sheer riched bicycle shorts, woo-yah! Vest-dress with leather kimono belt, yippee! And that bra-corset hybrid under that sheer top -- well I'm going to need an old-school Batman comic to communicate what I like about that. BAM-POW-WHOOSH. And isn't Charlotte Ronson, pictured up top, the most adowable thing ever? Anyway, it's times like these, when I'm really geeking out, that I'm glad that we have secret identities. Photos after the cut.

Images: Style.com

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