The Juice

I told FashionGeek I was planning a post on orange looks in the Resort collections, and she seemed perplexed, so naturally I assured her this was no genuine fashion trend, merely an excuse for me to use the phrase "orange you glad to see me?"

Even over MSN, I could sense her furrowed eyebrows and friendly exasperation. But hopefully, even though she's on holiday in the land where fashion geeks are banned, when she returns to read this, she'll understand there's more to the colour orange than bad puns. In fact, as Mr Oscar de la Renta proves, once it's all ruffled and layered into a ballgown confection, it's positively... juicy, like a big jolt of Vitamin C. Now, that said, orange does pick up sallow yellow undertones, and thus isn't often the best hue for pairing with Asian skin, but I sense that with enough of a summer tan, it could work.

Of course, for those of us who have nary a black tie social function to attend, the Oscar dress and this Rachel Roy one below will be of little use. Still, there are ways to work in a little tangerine to your everyday ensembles.

Including a surprisingly palatable wide-leg citrus pant, topped with earthy neutrals and a chic and chill Panama hat...

Orange on top, admittedly, is a safer and easier-to-pull-off alternative, as Phoebe Philo proves with her ever effortless simple lines. Like everyone who claims to be in the know about fashion, I too am a Philo/Celine devotee, but only in concept and to fit in with the cool kids. In reality, I think Celine is still a little mature for a lady of my age -- I, like, totally don't think, ya know, that I can pull it off, right sisters? That I could conjure that sentence with minimal effort probably disqualifies me from entering Celine premises. That, and the fact that we were stealing Ruinart from their shop to drink out in the foyer during the Boutique Boulevard extravaganza.

Anyway, only the truly brave could attempt this orange and fuschia Herve Leger. Orange you sad, now this post is over.


1 Response to "The Juice"

  1. Joyce Lau says:

    Thank you for this. Orange is my favorite color!
    Anyone who thinks it's not classy or fashionable should go tell Hermes.
    Speaking of whom, I was walking by their shop in Paris last summer when I saw the most perfect orange maxi dress. Of course it was too expensive for me, but I can always dream...

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