All That I Got (The Makeup Post)

Natural light is the greatest thing God ever did for bloggers. I was trying to be less wordy with my posts; no one has the time to read long blog entries. I sort of always knew that, but my natural inclination to blabber on endlessly usually takes over. Blogging is a selfish interest anyway. So this was meant to be "more pictures, less words"... but I failed.

We get a lot of our beauty products from PRs. I'm pretty much a makeup dork, so something like half of my makeup bag is gifted from PRs or family and friends. Actually, I stopped wearing makeup sometime after I started my new (now not-so-new) job. It's probably a sign of the slow, sure downhill stroll into not giving a crap. But after I was snapped in Ming Pao Daily with eye bags down to my knees, I think I need to start again. Let's see what's inside.

It's both sad and gross that I can't really wear mascara; my face is so oily that by the end of the day it's stuck all over my eyes. When I have the sense to powder up and prevent that, I use this Japanese one with a picture of an anime girl on it. You can get it at Sasa. It was introduced to me by this guy I met from the Hong Kong Economic Times who used to date a beauty editor who got the recommendation from the makeup artist that does Fiona Sit's face. We were on a cruise to Japan and he bought me two tubes. Random acts of kindness from almost-strangers is always nice. The Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick bronzer in Copper Diamond is a Christmas present from my mom. I never tan my face so it's useful to have.

Eyeliner is my best friend. Eyeliner is the best friend of every single-eyelid-ed gal who doesn't have Korean parents to buy her surgery. I've used the famous pencils -- MAC, Chanel -- and always end up looking like a fatigued panda, so now I just use $20 twisty eyeliner from Bonjour. The brand is Chameleon and it stays pretty put unless you rub your eyes a lot. Which I have a tendency to do. You can also see the Dior palette I travel with (four brownish eyeshadows, two lippies -- one glittery, one red); my cheapo Maybelline blush; and my Body Shop All In One Face Base 05 creamy cover-up that is the only thing I've found that doesn't really clog the pores too much.

This MAC Fascinating Ruby: 6 Smokey Eyes eyeshadow palette is awesome. It has everything you need for day or night. Most palettes usually contain one or two colours that are never ever touched, but this one doesn't.

Estee Lauder just sent a gangload of stuff to my office, including this eyeshadow. I can't wait till the next time I have an excuse to dress like a trashy hooker with a grunged out 5am eye. And I of course mean that in the best possible way.

Next week, we talk lippy.

2 Response to "All That I Got (The Makeup Post)"

  1. You had me giggling, love that you have a sense of humour girl! Plus loving more so that you're talking make up, love it!

    Have missed you lovely, hope you're well.

    Happy September!

    Anonymous says:

    You got it like that?

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