Waxing Lyrical

Every girl's nightmare, every man's dream -- The Brazilian wax. Ever since Edison Chen so indiscreetly allowed his female companions' bushy privates to make the internet rounds, I feel like this has been a hot topic in Hong Kong: what are your personal grooming habits, down there, and what is the norm?

At Strip, the Singapore-owned international chain of waxing parlours, the norm is either a small landing strip or a neat little triangle. And they're hoping to get the trend started in Hong Kong with their Lyndhurst Terrace boutique, featuring cheeky advertising, proprietary products and colourful design (which includes, among other things, Jackson Pollack-lite kind of art, splattered with wax instead of paint).

Media trials were conducted earlier this week, and as a wax-schizophrenic who's visited more than her fair share of waxing experts in Hong Kong, I can pretty categorically say that Strip is the most pleasant "beginner's wax" you can get. The wax smells nice (if a little fondue-like, with its chocolate and berry scent); the choice of pseudo-house music over spa sounds is helpfully distracting; and the therapists are professional, firm-handed, knowledgeable and helpful -- they tell you exactly what clothing to remove, where to lie down and what's going to happen so you're not suddenly surprised when they let it rip. There is, however, no such thing as a truly pain-free wax, but their methods make it as easy as possible to endure.

The shop officially opens today, and word on the street is that those who have been to their other global outposts (27 branches across the globe, with more opening, including in NYC this month) are clamouring for appointments and thanking the Lord for Strip's aggressive expansion policy. If that isn't convincing, then maybe our giveaway will persuade you... Call (852) 2845 0838 for info or bookings or email info@strip.com.hk

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