Friday Linkfest!

The first of our Friday linkfests!

If being fat is what makes Alber Elbaz a design genius... the pass the potatoes, please.

It's a blanket! No, it's a jacket! No, it's... SNUGGIE!

Coco Rocha's blog is hilarious... including this old video of her and Behati Prinsloo. Skip the slideshow until you get to the part where they're lipsyncing to Don't Wanna Miss a Thing (around six minutes in). Coco in the background is priceless.

They say puppy love doesn't last forever... let's hope these puppy fashions do, however, because they're AWESOME!

Twilight merchandise saves Hot Topic... although, you know, I've always liked Hot Topic (and now I like it even more! Who's going to buy me a Team Edward T-shirt?) And also, since when did Perez Hilton have a clothing line? 

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