Can of Worms

Remember that gigantic gummy bear with the hysterical infomercial we wrote about previously? Well as a follow up to that, Vat19, the masterminds behind the venture has come up with a 3 pound, 26 inch long gummy worm. At 128 times the size of a regular gummy worm, it packs 4,000 calories (so half a worm is more than enough for your day’s intake!) and comes in five flavour combinations like orange and lemon or cherry and blue raspberry. What can you do with such a large gummy worm? Apparently, you can fish with it, jump rope with it and make a giant dirt cake with it. Check out the video which is wrong on oh so many levels. My mind is still trying to worm its way out of the gutter.

1 Response to "Can of Worms"

  1. Anonymous says:

    hahaha omg tht looks VERY gross!!!!!!

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