Trunk Show

You may already know about the Cambridge Satchel Company's retro-fab satchels and "batchels" (satchels with additional handle). In lieu of my coveted PS1, I'm thinking I might pick one of these up, it has all the double-strapped seduction of the former but without the ridonkulous price tag and lack of availability. Also waiting for Gizzy & Nacho to get their Su-Shi bags in, which will be in about a month's time, to get that honey brown double-buckle bag. My life is all about double buckles these days.

What's new at the Cambridge Satchel Company now is trunks, made in the image of the classic Louis Vuitton travel cases, but in solid colours as bright as a rainbow. These days we're obsessed with portability -- wheelies, soft duffels that zip-shrink into teensy pouches -- so a chunky trunk with zero handles isn't the most practical thing for anyone with a personal porter, but these would make great pieces of furniture. The perfect place to hide all the crap you don't want seen -- think Alfred Hitchcock's Rope, but ideally less dead people.

The s/batchel is after the cut for anyone who's interested. The site ships worldwide, but you need to contact them for a quote.

2 Response to "Trunk Show"

  1. I want one of these trunks so badly!!! I just have visions of myself travelling by train across Europe with one of these...

    Right?? So old school and glam...

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