Twitter Tips: Hong Kong in a Day
It never ceases to amaze me how interactive twitter is and often I am inspired by the people who talk to me on twitter. In recognition of that, I am starting a new column called Twitter Tips where throughout the week, I will ask one question and report back on the answers. If you want to join in the conversation, follow us at @hkfashiongeek
Question: If someone were coming to Hong Kong for one day and wanted to get the full local experience, what would you tell them to do?
mtashford Michael Ashford
@hkFashionGeek Victoria Peak would have to be on there
wendychou Wendy Chou
@hkFashionGeek dimsum, lemontea/milktea, mongkok for shopping centers, end with LKF!
Mari5HongKong Mari Iwa
@hkFashionGeek Journey on TRAM!!!
PenguinSix Andrew Leyden
@hkFashionGeek Lunch in Central, Peak at Sunset, Star Ferry at Dusk. Tst light show at 8, markets of mongkok after that.
andymassey Andrew Massey
@hkFashionGeek MTR rushhour > shopping > The Peak by tram > Tim Ho Wan dim sum lunch > bird market > Festival of Light > Night Market > bed
cko01 christina ko
@hkFashionGeek spicy crabs, karaoke, island bev, Tsui wah
g4gary Gary Suen
@hkFashionGeek Yum cha!
jisampedro Javier I. Sampedro
@hkFashionGeek Star ferry, tram, sheung wan to cwb, ngong ping, bus to Tai O, back to town, go to peak and finish with nice dinner
Diane_BB Diane de la B
@hkFashionGeek : start early with the peak if sunny, walk down to central, then Mongkok, finish by TST and light show :)
It's a pity that I'm reading this post now that I'm back from Hong Kong since two weeks, but I can say that I've seen almost everything listed. :)